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Evaluation Part 1

Evaluation Part 2

My media product represents particular social groups as it generally appeals to the younger generations in between 15-25 as primarily my target audience is directed towards the younger generations as the musicians and artists we cover mainly appeal to this age group. Its buyers and readers are usually the youth from where the majority of the sales come from. Below is a typical reader who is busy and always has music gadgets on him and we consider him an ideal example of our typical reader.

Evaluation Part 4

Interview Video Transcript

What do you think of front cover and how would you rate it? What could have been done differently and why?

It’s attractive and really appeals to the modern day music fan, especially with the background and range of fonts used which many music magazines follow that I have read which shows that popular conventions are being followed I think. Maybe the image could have been enlarged a bit more, but other than that I feel it’s a perfectly adequate front cover

What do you think of the double page spread as a whole?

There interview is brief, but the questions are challenging which makes up for it. The article content is well written. I like the social networking site at the bottom and the link to it and also the personal fact file in the top right hand corner being in a different colour in order to differentiate it from the rest of the double page spread as something special which stands out

What do you make of the design of the contents page?

I think the pictures are well spread out and the pages numbers are organised nicely and it acts as an efficient guide for what is to follow in the magazine

Evaluation Part 5

How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience ?
I attracted and addressed my audience by including many different features on the double page spread with an eye catching background so it would appeal to them. I had a descriptive article and made it interesting by including some fascinating facts. I also made the audience feel as if they were there by providing a clear picture of the atmosphere at his concerts which was shown as electrifying. I also included a short snap interview on the double page spread with on the spot questions which had to be answered. There was also a fact file presented in a completely different colour so it stands out from the rest of the article as the extra special feature.

Evaluation Part 3

What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why? (One paragraph with company logo and examples of other mags they might distribute which fits in with yours)

EMAP as it’s a British Company which is a private company. The company publishes many magazines including the music magazine Smash Hits which comes under the genre of pop based music magazine which is the genre of my music magazine ‘Turn It Up’ with solo artists such as Union.

Evaluation Part 7

Show your school cover and contents page alongside your music mag cover and contents. Overall, what did you learn about layout, images, tools how did you increase the visual appeal from one production to the next? What did you use/learn in order to create a more interesting product?

From the school magazine onto the music magazine I learnt the importance of taking photos close up in order to be able to get a better image displayed on the front cover. I also learnt about taking a wide selection of practise photos so I had a wider choice to choose from as it’s difficult to get a perfect image unless you have many different photos. I also learnt that a music magazine usually has many pages and therefore there has to be quite a wide selection of different things that could fit in the magazine on the contents page. I used a wider range of tools such as fireworks, paint, and publisher for the music magazine as opposed to just using fireworks for the school magazine which was completed earlier in the year.