Magazine Comparison

This particular cover is all about cycling. The name of the magazine is displayed in a bold primary colour so it can gain publicity. A bold slogan is highlighted in yellow towards the bottom for emphasis. The picture is iconic of a highly acclaimed professional. His head shot will help attract an audience. The target audience will be people who are interested in watching sport, keeping fit or even general enthusiastic cyclists. It's readership will predominantly be men and youngsters which is demonstrated by having a male portrait on the front cover and two other men cyclists pictured at the bottom. A question is asked on the front cover which will leave the audience wondering and guessing. This is an effective technique applied because the answer will be provided in the magazine, but on the front cover leaves the reader in a state of uncertainty. The centre figure is glamorous and popular which will inevitably catch the spotlight and fame immediately.

The wording which is used is rhythmical with "good" and "food." An appetising and healthy dessert is displayed on the front of the magazine which will draw attention and encourage buyers and observers to buy the magazine and find out about all the latest advice and recommendations experts have to give as well as other potential recipes they maybe interested in making and eating. The target audience which the magazine is aimed at will probably be females and people in the family who spend time in the kitchen or any other keen food lovers. The presentation of the dessert on the front cover is immaculate which creates a positive impression in the reader mind as ultimately this makes the food look better. The sub title writing in red shows the variety of food recipes in the magazine.