Magazine Evaluation For School

What you did well?

The editing side of it went well. I managed to get several features on the front cover to go along with the photograph of two students shaking hands and looking on. The features included the price, the quotes, interviewee insight, bar code and the fact that there is a quiz inside the magazine which is indicated on the front cover. I managed to get all these key features displayed on the front cover conveniently.

What did you do not that well?

I think considering one step ahead and planning accordingly. For example it will be difficult to display the text with green leafs in the background. I did not anticipate the effect of the background and the difficulty this would result in getting the front right.

What do you need to do work on to improve?

Using fireworks effectively which was the programme we used for editing and developing the front cover of the magazine. I did not have much experience of using this before so found it challenging to gets things in the right place at first.

What do you need help with?

I think it’s a matter of improving my skills and understanding of working through fireworks so I can complete the next assignment to a better standard.