Evaluation Part 6

From your laptops to memory sticks, fireworks, publisher, photoshop, dafont, blogger, slideshare, flickr, youtube - this question basically requires a list of tools used with pictures and a brief description of why they were useful.This was useful for formatting and structuring the double page spread as you could use an A3 format which provided a lot of space to place various features.

The USB/memory stick was a useful tool for transferring work from one place to the other so I didn’t have to use the same system or computer to do my assignments. It enabled me to do the work in different places and access my work at all times when either in school or at home. I learned the importance and usefulness of memory sticks when completing projects so I could add things as I go along regardless of where I was.

Fireworks were used to construct the front cover and insert some of the writing for the front cover. I learned that fireworks were a useful tool for cropping out larger images and applying layout and background because there were a range of tools available.

The blogger is where the posts were kept and displayed after completing. I updated the blog regularly as I completed the tasks so it could be peer assessed and seen what it would actually look like as the final productonce it is finished so I could make adjustments to it if and when needed.