Evaluation For School Magazine Project

Evaluation for AS media blog posts, assignments and tasks so far. We have done presentations, analysis, comparisons, planning and editing in the course so far and during this particular post I will be reviewing each individual piece I have completed and looking at what went well and what might require further improvement before starting my final music magazine.

Post 1: Magazine Cover Analysis

The first piece of work I did was a general magazine comparison comparing two magazines. I thought considering this was my first piece of work, that I completed it well and relatively easily. I managed to pick up on some key features about the magazine front covers and the potential thinking behind the moves by the editors and how well it was presented and sold from a readership perspective. I learnt about the two magazines in general, the importance of effective presentation and the importance of the colouring of text in order to make it a visual and eye catching experience for the customer, buyer and subsequent reader. In hindsight I thought I could have added more information and made the piece lengthier.

Post 2: Points To Consider

The second post was the points to consider task for the school magazine which I eventually went on to name and title ‘game on.’ This process enabled me to plan and prepare effectively and I learnt how to approach starting a magazine and what the key issues editors need to consider. I thought this task was very useful as a starting point and felt I managed to do it well independently, but in hindsight it could have been lengthier which would have the made the final cover and posts even better.

Post 3: Questionnaire

This task was all about asking questions to a variety of people in order to help design and adapt my music magazine accordingly. I learnt how to structure and conduct questionnaires and the key issues which need to be highlighted. I think I could have designed the format of the questionnaire better in order to make it more convenient to finish for the participant who won’t really want to spend too much time completing something they don’t have a great deal of involvement with.

Post 4: Pictures For Front Cover Of School Magazine

For this particular task I collected photographs of pupils from the school who might go well on the front cover and collected a range of images from people who were willing to participate and did not mind to see themselves displayed on the front cover of the magazine. I felt that I collected a range of pictures which gave me a choice of picture to chose from when doing my final magazine which was an element I felt went well. However, what I need to improve on further is getting the background image right in order to ensure that when I start putting the text on through fireworks, that it does not overlap the writing.

Post 5: Flat Plan

During this task we made a rough layout of what the frontcover of the school magazine was going to be and where things will be placed. Ithought I could have it neater and more detailed, but still managed to get allthe key features on there.

Post 6: Contents Page

During this particular post I had to design the layout andinclude all the key features which needed to be displayed on the contents page.I learnt about contents pages in magazine, what they need to include and howessential a guide it is for the remainder of the magazine. I need assistancewith working through fireworks and coming to grips with the tools.

Post 7: Magazine Evaluation

This task involved looking at the whole process of theschool magazine by covering 4 different aspects in a self evaluation. Itprovided a clear picture and some kind of a summary for what we did andassessing how well we were able to perform it.

Post 8: Music Magazine Presentation Analysis

This task required a brief analysis write up on thepresentation we did in front of the class regarding a specific chosen magazineand the research we found from doing it. To help us we had notes which weretaken by other members in the class in order to see the positives and drawbacksof our presentations. I thought thistask was straightforward to complete in order to show people what we felt andwhat others felt from doing my presentation.

Post 9: Spin Magazine Presentation Analysis

This required me to upload my music magazine to sildesharein order to be able to transfer it onto blogwith my other work. I wasn't sure how to do this at first, but having asked forhelp I now know how to do it next time and the embedded code which needs to becopied. I learnt how to put a presentation on blogger.

Post 10: Readership Profile For My Music Magazine

Here we had to conduct a questionnaire and construct a writeup based on our findings of our typical reader. We got to develop anunderstanding of who our typical reader would be and what kind of thingsthey'll be interested in. I felt this task was also straight forward and selfexplanatory.