Readership Profile For My Music Magazine

From the questionnaire that I conducted I found out that majority of my readers were interested in listening to pop music and were mainly aged between 16 and 25 so therefore young adults were going to be the target audience.

The magazine will predominantly be males as approximately 60% of our successful participants from who we got feedback were males and said they would be interested in buying and reading the magazine and even said they were looking forward to our publications and finding out more about the business and what it does.

The most successful response we received from thequestionnaire for the name of the magazine was 'turn it up' which the audiencefelt was catchy, easy to remember and flowed well on the tongue. I consideredother names as well such as 'smart beats' and 'listening in' but from myresearch and questionnaire I gathered that an overwhelming majority were infavour of the 'turn it up' magazine and therefore have I have decided to goahead with it and feel it will be successful.

The average 'turn it up' reader is a 26 year old male who iskeen into his music and would be the first to want to know about new releases,productions and even celebrity gossip. He would typically be an outgoing personwho is an owner to all the latest technological gadgets such as an ipod, CDplayer and would regularly have music stations playing on the radio when theyare travelling or driving. Furthermore, he would attend plenty of functions andparties and would be socially very interactive. He wouldn't mind discussingmusic and sharing his music tastes and flavour with friends, family andcolleagues. It is the guide for the ultimate music fanatic.

Typical reader pictured above